Preparations for China continue as we put the final touches on some of the gifts we are planning to take to China. The blankets are done. At the request of S.J.'s birthmom we made two extra blankets. One is for his Great Grandmother who is living with his grandparents in Beijing. The other is for his Great Grandfather who passed away four years ago. They will take the blanket to his grave so that he will know that S.J. is well and happy.

We asked our local, provincial and national governments for lapel pins and look what we got! Don't ever be shy about asking. Everything you see here was free. All we did was arrange the individual pins on cardstock and package them. These will make super gifts for students at the school we will be visiting and for staff at the orphanages.

I've never been a scrapbook person. I figure if I start a project that takes years to finish the result will be... I'LL NEVER FINISH! Having said that, I went through 8 years of photos and put together two scrapbooks of S.J.'s life with us. S.J. will give one book to each set of Grandparents. I hope they will like them as much as I do.
Some favourite pages

Our adoption facilitator and now "Back to China" planner just called. She is arranging the trip for five families but it's really tricky because our children come from all different provinces and of course, we all want to visit our daughter(s) orphanages. As the plan is currently, we will all meet in Shanghai, then head out to different parts of China and then meet up again in Beijing (that's the short version). For us the complicated part is arranging meetings with S.J.'s extended family and not miss any of the planned events. We are going to be one busy family!