"The door to the past is unlocked and the door to the future is wide open."
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Final Rewind...I Promise!

Approaching the Forbidden City

Finally inside the Forbidden City
The Forbidden City goes on and on. You enter through the south gate and have to walk to through several courtyards to exit at the north gate. No shortcuts to be had. The buildings are amazing. In the center of each courtyard there is a large room, each with a different purpose. These rooms were reserved for the Emperor. Around the outer walls are a number of smaller rooms which would have been used by soldiers, servants and commoners. As with all ancient buildings in China, the detail is exquisite and beyond words.

Here we all are...I think this was the last family picture we had in China.
We got back to our hotel room at about 1:30pm and realized that there was still time for SHOPPING before the Goodbye China party we were attending in the evening. R.E. got directions and we headed off on the subway to the indoor silk market. The subway was easy to use as the names of the different stops were written in Chinese and English. On one of the lines there were even announcements in both languages. We kept hold of the children as we went through the subway since it was quite busy.

On the subway
We had a lot of fun at the silk market as our bartering skills had been perfected long ago. Still known as the "cheap lady", my husband confirmed that I was just brutal. Again we didn't get off the first floor and now I realize it isn't finding what you want that takes so long but the bartering. Oh well, we still managed to buy a lot of stuff.
In the evening we went to a local restaurant that again specialized in Beijing Duck. We all gathered and there was quite a few of us since at the beginning of the week we had joined an adoption group. They too were saying goodbye to China. Let me tell you, it was quite the party! There was food, there was gifts, there was cake, there was a magician, and even a special appearance by the "Monkey King". All would agree that we had an awesome last night in China!

R.X. thought the Monkey King was pretty amazing.
After all was said and done we returned to our hotel room to begin packing. Guess what I discovered? That in the morning I would just have to go SHOPPING for another suitcase. Oh shucks ;) S.S. and I got up early to go shopping and didn't just buy a suitcase. We knew we needed a few more toys and of course some shirts for Dad. Before I knew it we were out of money and had to go back to the hotel.
Our journey home began as we arrived at the Beijing Airport at 2:00 p.m. Our flight didn't leave until 7:00 p.m. so we had one last meal with friends. This is the day we lived twice as we arrived in Toronto at 7:35 p.m. Our flight was 12 1/2 hours long and yet it was still March 19th. We barely made our flight to Ottawa but thanks to a delay we made it and were very happy when by midnight we were on our way to sleep in our own beds.
Saturday, March 21, 2009

S.S. and her new friend from Timmons, Ontario

A traditional stroller is not a very common thing to see but...

...split pants are. Too cute!
This picture was taken at the entrance to the Pearl Market. S.S. and I had a great time here as we bartered for super deals. I stuck to my guns and got everything for 1/3 of the asking price or less. Favourite quotes from merchants included, "cheap lady" and "you're killing me." We had so much fun that we never did get to the top floor where all the pearls were and we almost missed the bus. If it wasn't for S.S.'s great sense of direction I would never have made it out of the store. As we did however, the bus was leaving the parking lot and I was having an "Ikea, start the car" moment when we ran after it, arms full of bags and yelling "Stop, wait for us!"
The evening belonged to S.J. as we went to a wonderful restaurant to visit with his grandparents. We had had the pleasure of meeting this set of grandparents on one other occasion in Ottawa. Our visit this night was no different as they are super kind people, very warm and gentle. S.J.'s grandpa never stopped smiling and S.J. seemed very content.
I will always remember the quiet way in which S.J. spent time with his grandparents and at one point told them he loved them in Chinese. There were tears and it was hard to say goodbye as we left these 2 wonderful people at the bus stop. Who knows when we will get to see them again.
Friday, March 20, 2009

The Water Cube and The Bird's Nest

A Chinese Zither Performance
Basketball Frenzy
Each of our children met a pen pal and had a great time chatting and getting to know one another. The Chinese students are learning English and did quite well conversing with our kids. Hopefully they will become friends and continue to keep in touch.

After a visit to the school it was off to the Beijing Zoo to see the pandas. R.E. noted that the zoo certainly had changed since 11 years ago when he and M.T. had gone. Like everything else in Beijing, the zoo has been rebuilt.
We were certainly in for a treat when we went to the Chinese Acrobatic show. Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed. I did however take this picture at the beginning of the show. The highlight of the night was 12 girls on one bicycle and then there was the slack rope performance that was pretty cool, oh and the juggling act and the...it was just amazing!
The Acrobatic show was a great ending to a very busy day and a great way to end this posting. In trying to get this note posted quickly I discovered that Blogger ran into problems saving it and so I had to start it all over again. The next posting should cover our last two days in China and the trip home.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Amazing Race...
Are they or are they not antiques?The image in our heads that there are a lot of bicylces in China may be fading as now people can afford cars. Outside the dirt market there were a lot of bikes to be found.
The Summer Palace was built in a Dynasty where "The Dragon Lady" ruled. She was not a pleasant person and certainly very selfish. When the rest of China was starving she would demand that her cooks to cook so much food that they would end up throwing out enough to feed a family for a year. The palace was incredible and today it is enjoyed by thousands. When we first came 11 years ago we were able to stroll around and feel relaxed. Not so today, as this palace has become so popular.

In the evening we went with Yulin and another family to enjoy a meal in "Old Beijing" and walk around a popular spot for nightlife. It was a lot of fun to stroll down the streets and people watch.

Enjoying dinner with friends.

Full of energy and very happy.
Day 2 - Trip to the Great Wall with of course, some shopping mixed in. To begin the day we stopped at a Jade factory. I'm not sure I realized how valuable Jade was until we purchased some lifetime pieces for our children.

A huge and very expensive carving. Be sure to hide the price S.J.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Footnotes - Random thoughts for a quiet day...
Money switching ~ It can happen anytime by anyone. At dinner one night one of the groups 100 yuan bills got switched and yesterday we got a fake coin in our change. Quite scary.

See you in Beijing!
Summer Dew