Our bags are packed and we're off! I was a little scarred when at 12:30 I heard freezing rain tapping at our window but all is good. The kids are excited but calm and we should be boarding in about 10 minutes.
Just a few bags!

So eager...too bad we're just starting!
5 minutes to boarding...See you in Shanghai!
YAY!!! The school day has just finished here and I thought I'd let you know that your name came up multiple times today. One boy in particular....you'll never guess who....you know the one who is enthralled with globes.... ;-)
It was a different day due to the field trip and movie BUT on first impression, it looks as though your replacement is really good.
So go - have fun - make memories -take tons of pics!
Shanghai, look out! Here they come!
Oh - forgot to mention. Thought you'd appreciate knowing that I was up from 3:50 to 5:00 this morning in anticipation of YOUR trip! I hope you managed to get some sleep cause I was doing all the thinking for you!!! ;-)
I am so excited to share this journey with you (thanks to Paula's blog I found you). We hope to make this trip in a few years ... enjoy!!!
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